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Traders and wholesalers of some of the biggest brands in the Hand tools and Power Tools industry. Our 60+ years of experience has taught the difference between a great tool and an average one and we are here to share this information with you. Our store is your one stop shop for all your tool needs be it electric, battery-powered or just good old manual work.

We strive hard to ensure our clients receive the best quality of the product that will efficiently solve their problems at a reasonable rate. We are more than happy to help you out and answer any questions you have regarding tools to the best of our knowledge, do ring us up at – 8668698115 you can also text us on WhatsApp or drop an email at – [email protected]

For more details, you can call us on 8668698115


Hand Tools

Power Tools

Power Tool Accessories

You can BUY our products and get them delivered to your place without any hassle.

